What is the 9-Step process?

The 9-Steps, initially developed as guidelines in PDF format, are designed to build on previous milestones in NDF guidance.

They describe a 9-Step process enabling Scientific Authorities to make NDFs that are science-based, using information with data quality appropriate to the severity of conservation concerns, intrinsic biological risks, harvest impacts, and trade impacts identified for the species concerned.

The 9-Steps can be applied for any species of either perennial plant or timber. For an online introduction to how they work, visit our online courses.



The original guidelines for a nine-step process to support CITES Scientific Authorities making science-based NDFs for species listed in CITES Appendix II.

Translations for the guidance are available in:

Download the Worksheets for Timber here.

Translations for the worksheets are available in:

V3 of the Timber Guidance is available here.

Translations are available in:

Perennial Plants

The original guidelines for a nine-step process to support CITES Scientific Authorities making science-based NDFs for species listed in CITES Appendix II.


The nine-steps visualised